This ECO4 scheme aims to reduce energy consumption, lower bills, and contribute to a greener future.

Key Components of the ECO4 Scheme

The ECO4 Scheme encompasses a range of key components aimed at enhancing the energy efficiency of homes and reducing energy bills. These components include:

Free Insulation Grants

The installation of insulation measures is one of the primary benefits of the ECO4 Scheme. By improving insulation, homes can significantly reduce heat loss, leading to potential annual savings of up to £1,800.

Cavity Wall Insulation:

Cavity wall insulation prevents heat from escaping and cold air from entering, resulting in reduced energy consumption.

Solid Wall Insulation:

Solid wall insulation improves thermal performance, making solid-walled properties more energy-efficient.

Room-in-Roof Insulation:

This measure ensures that rooms in the roof of a property maintain a comfortable temperature and minimise heat loss.

Loft Insulation:

Loft insulation reduces heat escaping through the roof and can result in significant energy savings.

Underfloor Insulation:

Underfloor insulation is placed beneath the ground floor and can enhance the overall energy efficiency of the home.

Solid Floor Insulation:

It is applied to the ground floor of properties with solid (non-cavity) floors. It helps retain heat, making these homes more energy-efficient.

Pitched Roof Insulation:

It is applied to the pitched or sloping sections of a roof, typically in attic spaces. It prevents heat loss through the roof structure.

Flat Roof Insulation:

Flat roof insulation is suitable for properties with flat or low-pitched roofs. It helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature.

Park Home Insulation:

Park homes, often found in residential park communities, can also benefit the ECO4 Scheme.

Check Eligibility

Heating Systems

The ECO4 Scheme’s heating systems can replace outdated and inefficient boilers, offering households the potential for up to a 25% reduction in energy bills.

Air-Source Heat Pumps (ASHP):

Air-source heat pumps extract heat from the outdoor air and use it to warm indoor spaces. It can provide households with up to a 25% reduction in their energy bills compared to traditional heating systems.

Biomass Boilers:

Biomass boilers are an eco-friendly alternative to conventional gas or oil boilers. They burn organic materials, such as wood pellets or logs, to generate heat for space heating and hot water.

Solar Panel Installation:

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, convert sunlight into electricity, which can be used to power homes and reduce reliance on the grid.

First-Time Central Heating:

This involves the setup of a central heating boiler, radiators, and the necessary pipework to distribute heat throughout the home.

Do You Qualify?

Boiler Replacement

Not all homes are suitable for a complete heating system replacement. For such cases, the ECO4 Scheme provides funding for repairing and upgrading existing boilers. This ensures that boilers operate efficiently, potentially extending their lifespan by up to 12 years.

Eligibility Check

If you're eligible, don't hesitate to contact ECO Grant Expert to explore the benefits and take a significant step toward a more energy-efficient and sustainable home.

Contact Us Now

Eligibility check

Begin by assessing your eligibility for the free ECO4 grant scheme. Our experts will determine if you qualify and guide you thoroughly.



Reach out to us to start the process. We'll guide you through the necessary steps for free grant and answer any questions.



Once eligible, we'll facilitate the entire process, from application to installation. Enjoy reduced energy bills with ECO4 scheme’s free grants.